fredag 10. oktober 2008

Hairspray(not the musical)

Okey, when I walk around school between lessons, I mostly see people in uniforms, but the students in sixth from wears the clothes they want to wear.
And it's mostly the same as in Norway I think. Alot of the poeple I hang with uses tunikas, or jeans and a nice top.
and the guys, most of them actually have good taste in clothes.
But the thing that I've noticed the most is the hair. Which on most guy contains a half box of gel and on girls a whole can of spray. And the fringe is always in place, not ONE hair is out of order, thats because of the can of spray they put in it. And among those pople who have afro hair(girls) its very in to have the fringe glued down to your forehead, a ponytale/bun on one side, and some lose curls in the middle or something. Or its long and neatly and dyed.
For the guys, it's mostly short on the side and long and with piggs on the top all the way to the back, And as I said before a box of gel. But there is one thing that the boys do that I do not understand is; why do they use gel to keep their hair flat down? It just looks wet and greasy! I really dont understand that. I might aske one of them someday before I leave.

Anyhow, on to what I've been doing the last days. Hmm, lets see*thinking*
Nothing much actually(wow! thats not often) asiff!)
Today I finally dragged mu butt down to the sakiado practice, and Im going to start, that is if my preciuos mom will let me. Now, mom you might thing its a bit expencive, but just think about this: I have a way to get some exercise! and I will learn how to defend my self, so if i get lost in a dark back alley and someone attackes me I'll just beat the crap outta him! BOJA! and I will have something to do! so it's really a nice thing to do! AND I get to train where ever they have the course! Not just in Kingstanding! So yea, its good.
I think I'm gonna do it.

Todays song: Foo Fighters-Home

But Im gonna go to bed, have to get up really early tomorrow cause Im going to BLACKPOOL!
Good Nite everyone. and pleas pleas look at the list in the pervious blog. Pleas do.
Sleep tight loverboyys(u know who u are)*smask*

2 kommentarer:

Per Oddvin Stornes sa...

Du veit i vertfall å ordlegge dej når du vil ha nakke:p Satse på du fær begynne på sakiado, ka det no va, huska ikkje ka du sa.

Bra du fekk til igjen bloggen og at du skrive ofte! E her ofte å lese, sjøl om ej ikkje alltid kommentera. Ska prøve å bli flinkera på det, veit det e fole kjekt å få kommentara.

He frihelg, he fått lest mej litt frampå, også he oss berre to daga med undervisning i neste vike, so ej he tillatt mej sjøl å berre slappe av dinne helga:) Herli!!

Bra du kom med ønskeliste:D Ej he akkurat det en av punkta du ønska dej:) Perfekt! Ska få laga det til og sendt det snart, so du he det på dagen!

Ska ut å møte nakke folk no, ei venninde fra Ålesund e på besøk me ei ej kjenne her i Oslo, so ej ska møte dei og henge litt. Blå himmel og flott ver her:D

Take care sis!

Per Oddvin Stornes sa...

He retta feiln på bloggen min:)