ja nei no teke ej å skrive på dårli dialekt for no he ej snakka engelsk i ei veke!
Litt leie må ej få lov til å bli!
Ok, I changed my mind.. I think
On Saturday 25th of October at 6:30 p.m. we sat of from our house and headed towards Mablethorpe. I slept most of the time with my music in my ears.
When we came to Mablethorpe, the weather was aweful! And we had a hard time getting the ornament up but in the end we did it with some help from Paulys cousin Richard.
It was really nice going to bed that night and I slept for a long time the next morning eventough the bloody dog(Sasha, the one thats six weeks and as big as Tinka) kept banging in the thin wall that seperated my bed and the rest of the caravan. It sounded like a flippin elephant was rumaging around. She did that the rest of the week.
When I woke up I went straight for the showers and how wonderful it was taking a shower for the first time in 2 months! You have NO idea. Then we didn't do much I think, because I can't remember anything, other then going out in the evening for a meal with Paulys sister, and her cousins. Which was very nice other than that the ice cream tasted like pencillin, not kidding.
On Monday we went down to the town center and had a wander around. I stayed back when T and Pauly went home so I walked down to the beach and sat there and drank pop. The beach was absolutely marveouls! Streched as far as the eye can see. So I sat there till I really needed the loo and run of to find one and when I finally did, it was one of those you had to pay for, and of coarse I didn't have the right coin! I think was this close to wet my self and worse but there was a kind old man that told me to use the disabled toilet. Bless him!
Then I found my way home and went for a ride with T&P.
On Tuesday we went out to the gardensenter which had the most amazing chirstmas display!
It had everything from singing santas too stuffed penguis that was about 1m high. It was stunning. And they had UglyDolls! So I bought Poe the Ugly Dragon(isn't Poe the name of the dragon in that song? Oh, no thats Puff) He's green and cosy. And I bought two christmas gifts.
Then we went home and yea, read a book or something. Nothing exiting I think.
oh, I think we went to see Daph, Paulys sister, but I honestly can't remember what day that was. Think it was Tuesday
Wedensday we went to see Nicky and Adam, Jessica and Abby in their trailer. Nice people. I played Wii for the first time and we had tea with them. Were there all day, nice to get out of the caravan. It was pretty late when we drove home so nothing else happened that day.
On Thursday, Me and Tony went out too Donna Nook, seal sanctuary and RAF base. This is a place where thousands of seals comes in every year and gives birth to theyr babies and fight amongst themselves, at least the bulls do. And there are target practices for warplanes coming from all over the world. So when we went out, we saw 5 new born baby seals and one plane.
It only dropped one bomb so it wasn't that exciting. But the thing is, the seals doens't get botherd at all! They don't even stir a bit when the planes comes swooshing over their heads.
Then we drove home and went down to the factory shop, a huuge shop with a lot of nice things and A Lot of junk. And then we went to visit Richard and saw top gear at his flat.
And then comes Friday, the last whole day, or so we thought.
But this thing happen and thank higher powers for that, you see, the car wouldn't start.
So T called an AA guy, and they came down and looked at it. And he said there were something wrong with the heating thing starting the car. So when he got the motor running again, T desided that he didn't want to risk it happen again and not be abelt to drive home tomorrow, and drive home today! YEY! So we packed down the thing, managed to do it just before the rain kicked inn and drove home! YES.. I was smiling all the way home and are still smiling.
It's not that the holliday was horrible and the plays aweful, I mean it was nice there and everything but, to be in a place where you have limited space, noone on your own age to talk to, not proper tv and no internett is BORING when your 17! So I was practically dancing when Pauly told me we where going home today in pure joy!
But all in all Mablethorpe is a nice place, with some nice junk shops and a little fair and loong beaches and some beautiful nature. And the best part was, the BEEST part was that I was able to take a hot shower every morning. Miss that already.
Hope eveyone at home had a nice weekend. And I must admit that I was expecting atleat 1 card for my B.day when I got home and was a bit dissapointet when I got nothing. So pleas send me some!
Tomorrow Im going to a partaay! Wii! finally some people my age:D
and then I have to do some homework and send the postcards I wrote. yea, we'll see.
Lots and Lots of love from Raggers!
fredag 31. oktober 2008
fredag 24. oktober 2008
Friiiday! and Half term! and I might me going to a halloween party at school today, if I feel up to it. Tomorrow Im getting up before 6a.m. to drive for Mablethorpe.
Where I am going to stay til next staurday, so I might not update anything for a week, but that should not stop you leaving me stuff!
Yesterday Vicki the goalie at the school football team which I played with on wedensday asked me if I wanted to come with her to play for her team, Continental Star, and I sayd yes.
So we went in the evening and it was awesome! It was in Star City, which is nicknamned Stab City because there is much kinfe crimes there or something like that. It is a huge facility with a casino and a lot of resturants and a fair. There is also a place called Goal and on the roof of that building there were many small fiver football fields! It was really cool.
So I played with the team a game of fiver football, played almost the whole game, didn't score but I did some desent work. It was real fun and we won 6-2.
I got some exercise to so its all good. But the muscle in my feets(the hamstrings and the quads and the gastocnemius and the soleius) are killing me, I barly can walk up or down the stairs.
And I probably faild my P.E. test, because I was playing footie when I should be studying.
But its all good cause now it's half term..! And only 2 weeks til Im going to London! Wii
Thank you everyone for the cars and thanks mom for the parcel, made risengrynsgraut for lunch today, it was nice. And the Pondus magazine! LOVED it, send me some Eon and more Pondus please.
But now Im gonna lay down and sleep and think about wheater Im going to do anything or not. and I need to pack.
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKOB! Hope it's great! And Im going to send you a little something when I find something cool. Love you Jk dude!
Cheers mates
Where I am going to stay til next staurday, so I might not update anything for a week, but that should not stop you leaving me stuff!
Yesterday Vicki the goalie at the school football team which I played with on wedensday asked me if I wanted to come with her to play for her team, Continental Star, and I sayd yes.
So we went in the evening and it was awesome! It was in Star City, which is nicknamned Stab City because there is much kinfe crimes there or something like that. It is a huge facility with a casino and a lot of resturants and a fair. There is also a place called Goal and on the roof of that building there were many small fiver football fields! It was really cool.
So I played with the team a game of fiver football, played almost the whole game, didn't score but I did some desent work. It was real fun and we won 6-2.
I got some exercise to so its all good. But the muscle in my feets(the hamstrings and the quads and the gastocnemius and the soleius) are killing me, I barly can walk up or down the stairs.
And I probably faild my P.E. test, because I was playing footie when I should be studying.
But its all good cause now it's half term..! And only 2 weeks til Im going to London! Wii
Thank you everyone for the cars and thanks mom for the parcel, made risengrynsgraut for lunch today, it was nice. And the Pondus magazine! LOVED it, send me some Eon and more Pondus please.
But now Im gonna lay down and sleep and think about wheater Im going to do anything or not. and I need to pack.
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKOB! Hope it's great! And Im going to send you a little something when I find something cool. Love you Jk dude!
Cheers mates
onsdag 22. oktober 2008
FootBall Dude!
First of all: thanks to Aunite Linda, Andreas and Uncle Laurits for the package! It was really nice, and that milkchocolate thing in the bag was REALLY nice. So thank you very much and I will send you a thank you card or something exiting. Looking forward to the other things I'm getting. wiii, it's only 3 days till my bday!
Can't really remember what I did yesterday. Oh yeah, I made a really nice card for Jakob, I am very sorry that I can't come to your party Jk, really wished I could. But I will get the card to you and a little presant. Haven't been in town and bought anything yet, and I dont think I will go before after half term, so I might send you something from the place where we are going on holliday. Or maybe I'll go tomorrow or friday if I'm not too knackerd.
Today! Was a cool day. Went to school too early, didn't have to go in till 10, but I forgot so I went in normal time. yey. Then I had a P.E. lesson, which was ok, having a test on friday bout the mucsles and joints and bones and stuff like that, so yea oh joy.
Then I had no lessons the rest of the day! Because; my history teacher wasn't in, then we had our regular music lesson without a teacher, then my last lesson was english, but because I had a football match I didn't have to go!
Now, to the match.
To put it simple, we sucked. I actually thought that they were atleast decent, but dude, I was wrong.
The were some decent players though, but that didn't help much when the other people couldn't recive, pass or do anything with the ball. I actually played the whole game, in front and I was aching to get back in defence and kick some ass.
But in our defence the other team were from a Sports Acadamy, where they study football and they were all the same age and really good. So yeah.
It was still fun to play again though, but now I am totally knackerd.
oh and yea, the score 22-0. Our goal the second half was not to let them score more than 25 so we were a bit better second half than first.
Now I am going to write a english thing for my lesson.
Speaks laters!
Love Ragna
Can't really remember what I did yesterday. Oh yeah, I made a really nice card for Jakob, I am very sorry that I can't come to your party Jk, really wished I could. But I will get the card to you and a little presant. Haven't been in town and bought anything yet, and I dont think I will go before after half term, so I might send you something from the place where we are going on holliday. Or maybe I'll go tomorrow or friday if I'm not too knackerd.
Today! Was a cool day. Went to school too early, didn't have to go in till 10, but I forgot so I went in normal time. yey. Then I had a P.E. lesson, which was ok, having a test on friday bout the mucsles and joints and bones and stuff like that, so yea oh joy.
Then I had no lessons the rest of the day! Because; my history teacher wasn't in, then we had our regular music lesson without a teacher, then my last lesson was english, but because I had a football match I didn't have to go!
Now, to the match.
To put it simple, we sucked. I actually thought that they were atleast decent, but dude, I was wrong.
The were some decent players though, but that didn't help much when the other people couldn't recive, pass or do anything with the ball. I actually played the whole game, in front and I was aching to get back in defence and kick some ass.
But in our defence the other team were from a Sports Acadamy, where they study football and they were all the same age and really good. So yeah.
It was still fun to play again though, but now I am totally knackerd.
oh and yea, the score 22-0. Our goal the second half was not to let them score more than 25 so we were a bit better second half than first.
Now I am going to write a english thing for my lesson.
Speaks laters!
Love Ragna
søndag 19. oktober 2008
Das Weekend
It's sunday again, end of weekend and again the conclusion the weekend is to short, but it's only five schooldays til half term! wii! And my Bday!
About my bday, if someone is sendning something, please make sure that it arrives before the actually day, cause I'm getting up at 6a.m. that day leaving for the coast so I wont be able to get the post, so send as soon as possible! Important!!
To day I really need to do some homework, have to turn in a history paper tomorrow and another history paper later in the week and a english paper. So I guess I need to get started to day.
On friday, my P.E. teacher told me that my other P.E. teacher, Ms. Hayes, wants me to play a football game on wedensday. So I might be playing football again on a few days, but I will probably collapse after like 5 minutes or something.
But I think I'll give it a shot.
Thursday was Tonys birthday so on friday we went out to celebrate with his friends.
That was fun. Alot of good food and a huuge icecream.
It was mostly people over 50 but people over 50 can be fun sometimes so I enjoyed it very much, it was very nice.
The cake was nice also, a bit to much frosting but it was ok.
Yesterday I just relaxed, and did absolutely noothing. Today I'm going to do the same apart from the homework.
Hope pepøøl back home had a nice weekend. And again send things so that they arrives before the 25th!
Love Ragna
About my bday, if someone is sendning something, please make sure that it arrives before the actually day, cause I'm getting up at 6a.m. that day leaving for the coast so I wont be able to get the post, so send as soon as possible! Important!!
To day I really need to do some homework, have to turn in a history paper tomorrow and another history paper later in the week and a english paper. So I guess I need to get started to day.
On friday, my P.E. teacher told me that my other P.E. teacher, Ms. Hayes, wants me to play a football game on wedensday. So I might be playing football again on a few days, but I will probably collapse after like 5 minutes or something.
But I think I'll give it a shot.
Thursday was Tonys birthday so on friday we went out to celebrate with his friends.
That was fun. Alot of good food and a huuge icecream.
It was mostly people over 50 but people over 50 can be fun sometimes so I enjoyed it very much, it was very nice.
The cake was nice also, a bit to much frosting but it was ok.
Yesterday I just relaxed, and did absolutely noothing. Today I'm going to do the same apart from the homework.
Hope pepøøl back home had a nice weekend. And again send things so that they arrives before the 25th!
Love Ragna
torsdag 16. oktober 2008
Me like
I like the word dude.. and norwegian milk chocolate.
I like sitting on my bed, listening to music, singing, dancing and eating chocolate(yes, I am a girl so I can multitask)
I like hoodies, with cool prints on em, and tshirts with cool prints, and band shirts and shirts in general.
I like posters, all posters and the colour red.
I like music, I like listening to music, I like watching music, I like creating music.
I like sitting still, watching the nature. I like capturing the nature(like in foto u dumbass, not like taking things as hostage)
I like take fotos of people too.
I like rollercoasters, the thrill, the speed, getting sucked backwards and thrown here and there. Is fuun man, is fuun.
I like learning english people to swear in norwegian.
I like to dance.
I like christmas, and christmas songs and all the other things belonging to christmas.
I like tv and films. I like being lazy. But I also like fotball and exercise.
I like snow, but not when it gets showed in my mouth. Thats just icky. I like rolling around in the snow, and snowthings. I like skiing, and iceskating.
I like walking, with a friend(Emma) and talking about everything we can come up with, and when we don't have anything to talk about we sing. I like singing. and walking.
I like hugs. I like Daniels hugs, cause he was the first one to give me one. And he is cool
I like my friends, both english and norwegian. I wish we all could live in the same place.
I like lillies, and Lilly. I love Lilly. She's cute. I like holding her hand, cause it fits perfect in mine.
I like playing, with my newphews and niecs. I like runninga around, like 3 year old, just enjoying the play. I like climbing in trees and other objects. I like being a kid.
I like making people laugh, in any way possible. I like smiles, nothing is worth more than a smile. It can change the whole day.
I like talking jibberish, I like writing a lot of rubbish and randomthings.
I like randomness.
I like treasurehunts and going on random busses with Hope.
I like God, he's nice.
I like animals, especially cats and turtels.
I like tatoos and piercing, if they are placed in a deasent place and are not to distasteful.
I like alot of things, to many to all be mentioned here. Those I wrote I did because I'm bored.
If you red them all, I applaude you, your a star, and I think you should give me a comment.
That I would like.
cheers mates
I like sitting on my bed, listening to music, singing, dancing and eating chocolate(yes, I am a girl so I can multitask)
I like hoodies, with cool prints on em, and tshirts with cool prints, and band shirts and shirts in general.
I like posters, all posters and the colour red.
I like music, I like listening to music, I like watching music, I like creating music.
I like sitting still, watching the nature. I like capturing the nature(like in foto u dumbass, not like taking things as hostage)
I like take fotos of people too.
I like rollercoasters, the thrill, the speed, getting sucked backwards and thrown here and there. Is fuun man, is fuun.
I like learning english people to swear in norwegian.
I like to dance.
I like christmas, and christmas songs and all the other things belonging to christmas.
I like tv and films. I like being lazy. But I also like fotball and exercise.
I like snow, but not when it gets showed in my mouth. Thats just icky. I like rolling around in the snow, and snowthings. I like skiing, and iceskating.
I like walking, with a friend(Emma) and talking about everything we can come up with, and when we don't have anything to talk about we sing. I like singing. and walking.
I like hugs. I like Daniels hugs, cause he was the first one to give me one. And he is cool
I like my friends, both english and norwegian. I wish we all could live in the same place.
I like lillies, and Lilly. I love Lilly. She's cute. I like holding her hand, cause it fits perfect in mine.
I like playing, with my newphews and niecs. I like runninga around, like 3 year old, just enjoying the play. I like climbing in trees and other objects. I like being a kid.
I like making people laugh, in any way possible. I like smiles, nothing is worth more than a smile. It can change the whole day.
I like talking jibberish, I like writing a lot of rubbish and randomthings.
I like randomness.
I like treasurehunts and going on random busses with Hope.
I like God, he's nice.
I like animals, especially cats and turtels.
I like tatoos and piercing, if they are placed in a deasent place and are not to distasteful.
I like alot of things, to many to all be mentioned here. Those I wrote I did because I'm bored.
If you red them all, I applaude you, your a star, and I think you should give me a comment.
That I would like.
cheers mates
tirsdag 14. oktober 2008
Just ate the most shitty lasagna ever. It didn't taste bad, but I'm used to eating better things, home made things, that does not swim in cheese and where the plates are soft.
I guess I can't expect anything better from frozen food.
Since the cheese was so wet I also burned the whole of my mouth and it is now throbbing, and the roof of my mouth has swelled a bit. Oh joy.
I went swimming today! It was hard, cause we had to use one arm, without using our feet. Then I had to walk all the way home which is far cause it's twice as long distanse as the way I usually walk home from school, so I was pretty knackerd when I got home.
Buut when I got home, and went up to my room I found a packet from my Grandmother! That brightened up my whole day! I got 2 pairs of knitted tøffle, 3 chocolates and 2 pairs og longies, aand a nice letter with dravings done by Jk. It was really nice, I put on my tøffle at once and one of the longies.
Now I'm going to write in norwegian cause what I am going to say sounds better in norwegian:
Ej snakka me Jakob her en dag og spurte korti han kom å besøkte mej, svaret va: Til helga!
han e so koslig.
Neway back to english
I found this cool Tv channel called challange and on this there are this stupied shows showing people do stupid things like running on doors to see which opens, and going through a labyrint without running into this "monsters" or running over stones in water, and the funny thing is most of them fall or fails! Its hilarious man!
Må få nokken juleønske, so ej kan bjønde å planlegge pengebruken.. her e alt mulig so d e berre å sei d dokke vil!
Talk laters dudes and dudettes!
I guess I can't expect anything better from frozen food.
Since the cheese was so wet I also burned the whole of my mouth and it is now throbbing, and the roof of my mouth has swelled a bit. Oh joy.
I went swimming today! It was hard, cause we had to use one arm, without using our feet. Then I had to walk all the way home which is far cause it's twice as long distanse as the way I usually walk home from school, so I was pretty knackerd when I got home.
Buut when I got home, and went up to my room I found a packet from my Grandmother! That brightened up my whole day! I got 2 pairs of knitted tøffle, 3 chocolates and 2 pairs og longies, aand a nice letter with dravings done by Jk. It was really nice, I put on my tøffle at once and one of the longies.
Now I'm going to write in norwegian cause what I am going to say sounds better in norwegian:
Ej snakka me Jakob her en dag og spurte korti han kom å besøkte mej, svaret va: Til helga!
han e so koslig.
Neway back to english
I found this cool Tv channel called challange and on this there are this stupied shows showing people do stupid things like running on doors to see which opens, and going through a labyrint without running into this "monsters" or running over stones in water, and the funny thing is most of them fall or fails! Its hilarious man!
Må få nokken juleønske, so ej kan bjønde å planlegge pengebruken.. her e alt mulig so d e berre å sei d dokke vil!
Talk laters dudes and dudettes!
søndag 12. oktober 2008
Nokre ting
må legge nokke til på ønskelista
- Nemi bok
- Pondus bok
- Eon album/bok eller Oppgulp album/bok
- Tommy og Tigern bok
- Nemi bok
- Pondus bok
- Eon album/bok eller Oppgulp album/bok
- Tommy og Tigern bok
BLakcPooL Baby!
yeah, so yesterday I got up at 7a.m. to get ready to go to Blackpool baby!
At 7.30a.m. I went over to Ericas house to meat her and Andres there, and then we went to meat Julia and Pamela at the bus stop. Then we went on the bus to Birmingham, when we got to town we walked to New Street Station to meet with the other EF students and Maxim.
We got on a choach for Blackpool, and by 12 we were in Blackpool. Not much to tell about the trip there, just roads, trees, fields, some sheeps and cows, and I think i saw a hawk sitting on a pole.
Listend to music most of the way, mostly Atreyu. Really like them these days.
When we came to Blackpool Maxim told us to be back at 6.20 and then we set of for Pleasure Beach baby! It is a Big, HUGE amusement park. Whit as much as 5 rollercoasters I think, not all of them very big BUT the Pepsi Max, the biggest one, is 200ft. at the highest and is with that the one with the biggest drop and highest speed in Europe! BOJA! I took it two times! It was UNbeliveble! Awesome! Amazing!
Most of the day I spent with Kristina(from Denmark), Laura(from South America, cant remember the country, she speaks spanish anyways) and Enrique(also from south America) and Andres. Nice people. There even was a norwegian girl called Beate, so I talked a little norwegian with.
The other rides was the blue one wich our feed hang dangling in, and we were upside down like 5 times or more. The Irn Bru or something like that, wich is a loop thingi, that you first face the ritgh way through the loop, then you go backwards. FUUN!
Then we rode this horsething, like a race, quite fun actually.
The snake, which was just swingy, the Bling was very nice; went up and down and the thing we sat in turned all the time, a good kick that was.
We didn't get the time to take all of them, cause we spend some time in the ques and we ate somewhere in between them. But it was all good fun and I really liked Blackpool.
At the end we went down to the beach, it was so good to see the sea again, and smell it! Almost started to cry. Drew my name in the sand, and a heart with Lilly's in it.
We took some pictures and it was really nice, I love the sea and the beach, it kind of gives me some extra energy and spirit.
When we got back to the bus, we drove through the street thats beside the seaside, and looked at the famous lights of Blackpool(I've never heard of them but apparently they are famous)
It was a nice sight. I slept most of the drive back home, I was exhausted, and I couldn't really participate in the convos going on around me since they were mostly in spanish, so I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the screaming going on in my ears. Occaisionally I lookd out on the sky and the passing cars and fields and thought how nice it would be if people back home were with me, and I stared to plan the hollidays of you back home, so one day we are going to Blackpool, just so you guys know that! It has much more than just Pleasure Beach, it has a MadamTussauds, a huuge fair, a waterpark, a loong prominade, climbing walls, and very many small cosy hotels, and much more so it's worth a visit.
We got home around elleven and I straight to bed. Slept to 12 this morning, and woke up to a beautiful day that I'm going to spend relaxing and doing some homework I think.
Have a busy week coming up, with 2 birthdays and a party.
Hope all of you had a nice holliday, and that you all are well! Love Ragna B.
fredag 10. oktober 2008
Hairspray(not the musical)
Okey, when I walk around school between lessons, I mostly see people in uniforms, but the students in sixth from wears the clothes they want to wear.
And it's mostly the same as in Norway I think. Alot of the poeple I hang with uses tunikas, or jeans and a nice top.
and the guys, most of them actually have good taste in clothes.
But the thing that I've noticed the most is the hair. Which on most guy contains a half box of gel and on girls a whole can of spray. And the fringe is always in place, not ONE hair is out of order, thats because of the can of spray they put in it. And among those pople who have afro hair(girls) its very in to have the fringe glued down to your forehead, a ponytale/bun on one side, and some lose curls in the middle or something. Or its long and neatly and dyed.
For the guys, it's mostly short on the side and long and with piggs on the top all the way to the back, And as I said before a box of gel. But there is one thing that the boys do that I do not understand is; why do they use gel to keep their hair flat down? It just looks wet and greasy! I really dont understand that. I might aske one of them someday before I leave.
Anyhow, on to what I've been doing the last days. Hmm, lets see*thinking*
Nothing much actually(wow! thats not often) asiff!)
Today I finally dragged mu butt down to the sakiado practice, and Im going to start, that is if my preciuos mom will let me. Now, mom you might thing its a bit expencive, but just think about this: I have a way to get some exercise! and I will learn how to defend my self, so if i get lost in a dark back alley and someone attackes me I'll just beat the crap outta him! BOJA! and I will have something to do! so it's really a nice thing to do! AND I get to train where ever they have the course! Not just in Kingstanding! So yea, its good.
I think I'm gonna do it.
Todays song: Foo Fighters-Home
But Im gonna go to bed, have to get up really early tomorrow cause Im going to BLACKPOOL!
Good Nite everyone. and pleas pleas look at the list in the pervious blog. Pleas do.
Sleep tight loverboyys(u know who u are)*smask*
And it's mostly the same as in Norway I think. Alot of the poeple I hang with uses tunikas, or jeans and a nice top.
and the guys, most of them actually have good taste in clothes.
But the thing that I've noticed the most is the hair. Which on most guy contains a half box of gel and on girls a whole can of spray. And the fringe is always in place, not ONE hair is out of order, thats because of the can of spray they put in it. And among those pople who have afro hair(girls) its very in to have the fringe glued down to your forehead, a ponytale/bun on one side, and some lose curls in the middle or something. Or its long and neatly and dyed.
For the guys, it's mostly short on the side and long and with piggs on the top all the way to the back, And as I said before a box of gel. But there is one thing that the boys do that I do not understand is; why do they use gel to keep their hair flat down? It just looks wet and greasy! I really dont understand that. I might aske one of them someday before I leave.
Anyhow, on to what I've been doing the last days. Hmm, lets see*thinking*
Nothing much actually(wow! thats not often) asiff!)
Today I finally dragged mu butt down to the sakiado practice, and Im going to start, that is if my preciuos mom will let me. Now, mom you might thing its a bit expencive, but just think about this: I have a way to get some exercise! and I will learn how to defend my self, so if i get lost in a dark back alley and someone attackes me I'll just beat the crap outta him! BOJA! and I will have something to do! so it's really a nice thing to do! AND I get to train where ever they have the course! Not just in Kingstanding! So yea, its good.
I think I'm gonna do it.
Todays song: Foo Fighters-Home
But Im gonna go to bed, have to get up really early tomorrow cause Im going to BLACKPOOL!
Good Nite everyone. and pleas pleas look at the list in the pervious blog. Pleas do.
Sleep tight loverboyys(u know who u are)*smask*
onsdag 8. oktober 2008
Carvery and Wishinglist
Yesterday I tagged along to this meal, one of my friends birthday was to day so we all went out for a meal at this carvery. Now, whats a carvery you say? well, it is kind of a resturant where you pay a certain amout in our case £6.50 and you get a meal of whatever meat you want+as much veg you can eat! And if you're there before 7 p.m. you get a free icecream. The meat is all freshly cooked and the vegs are also fresh. So its good food, quality food. Dad, you would really like it, som Im gonna take you to one when you come over.
Before we went to the meal me, Paige and Hope and Amy followed Dan home. Fun times, we bitched about people, as english people tend to do alot! Their not as nice as you all would think, at least not in privat. But it's still fun, good fun.
When we all had eaten and filled up are tummys we went outside and chatted for some time before Amy's dad came and picked us up and drove us home. And oh Hope fell over like two times, it was raaw funny man!
Today I've been to school, as always. But my lesson didn't start until 10.10a.m. so I could sleep till 9. It was goood.
I actually learned quite alot to day, especially in english and P.E. Kinda fun.
And as I walked home I came to think about what I want for my birthday!
And I came up with a couple of things:
- my camera!! (I really miss the opportunity to take good pictures, and there is so many things that i cant take pictures of here, so send it over pleas)
- pencils, ordinary gray pencils, and a good black not to thick black pen and a pencilcase! not a big one
- a new straightener, my old one is shitty
- PHOTOSHOP! really want that dude, pretty pleaass!
- Atreyu(not Lead Sails Paper Anchor, I already got that one)Cd's, Foo Fighters CD's and if you know some other good ones I'll accept those too:D
- Pictures of family and friends!
- Epilator
- Money
- and letters as always, you people in Norway suck at answering dude
Now, I've highlited the ones I really REALLY want
Hope you all can figure out that you want to buy me the highligted things.
The highligted things is the ones I really want ok? Everyone got that now? Good.
Hope theres not to much mistakes in my writing here, props is but waeva! It's not like this is an english essay or something! Oh, apparently we're having an asssomthingicantremember, in history next week. Going to write about why the Russian Tsar faild and what probelms he had to deal with and so an. I think I got an idea, so I hope I'm not going to get to low marks on it.
But now I'm off to buy some chinafood! yummy for my tummy! Going to put out some pics on facebook soon, so check them out! And for you nobs that don't have facebook, you just have to borrow someone elses and look at them that way! :-)(only joking about the nob thing, you are all wonderfull)
Love Raffnibizzle!
Before we went to the meal me, Paige and Hope and Amy followed Dan home. Fun times, we bitched about people, as english people tend to do alot! Their not as nice as you all would think, at least not in privat. But it's still fun, good fun.
When we all had eaten and filled up are tummys we went outside and chatted for some time before Amy's dad came and picked us up and drove us home. And oh Hope fell over like two times, it was raaw funny man!
Today I've been to school, as always. But my lesson didn't start until 10.10a.m. so I could sleep till 9. It was goood.
I actually learned quite alot to day, especially in english and P.E. Kinda fun.
And as I walked home I came to think about what I want for my birthday!
And I came up with a couple of things:
- my camera!! (I really miss the opportunity to take good pictures, and there is so many things that i cant take pictures of here, so send it over pleas)
- pencils, ordinary gray pencils, and a good black not to thick black pen and a pencilcase! not a big one
- a new straightener, my old one is shitty
- PHOTOSHOP! really want that dude, pretty pleaass!
- Atreyu(not Lead Sails Paper Anchor, I already got that one)Cd's, Foo Fighters CD's and if you know some other good ones I'll accept those too:D
- Pictures of family and friends!
- Epilator
- Money
- and letters as always, you people in Norway suck at answering dude
Now, I've highlited the ones I really REALLY want
Hope you all can figure out that you want to buy me the highligted things.
The highligted things is the ones I really want ok? Everyone got that now? Good.
Hope theres not to much mistakes in my writing here, props is but waeva! It's not like this is an english essay or something! Oh, apparently we're having an asssomthingicantremember, in history next week. Going to write about why the Russian Tsar faild and what probelms he had to deal with and so an. I think I got an idea, so I hope I'm not going to get to low marks on it.
But now I'm off to buy some chinafood! yummy for my tummy! Going to put out some pics on facebook soon, so check them out! And for you nobs that don't have facebook, you just have to borrow someone elses and look at them that way! :-)(only joking about the nob thing, you are all wonderfull)
Love Raffnibizzle!
mandag 6. oktober 2008
New Week and some experiments
Atter ein ny dag, atter ein ny mandag, atter ei ny veke og igjen konkludera oss me att helga gjenge alt alt for fort, men so jenge igrunn vekene me fort. So d jenge oppiopp.
Skulen i dag va som skulen alle andre daga, ikkje so alt for spennandes, berre at musikk læraren vår ikkje trur oss klare oss gjennom A-level musikk fordi ingen av oss kan nokke. Kosligt
Når ej kom heim frå skulen, so tenkte ej skitau ej ska ta å lage pizza i dag.
So ej for på butikken og fann tinga ej skulle ha, kjøttdeig, og ost. Men pizzafyll finst her vist ikkje.
So ej tok sann tomatsaus lignande ting, og tenkte att d ikkje kunne ver so annleis.
So sprang ej heim og bjøndte på deiga, so gjekk ganske so bra. Trur det va den einaste vellykka delen.
So når dei ha vokst litt, bjøndte ej på fylle.
Fann mej ei liiita steikepanna so ej stekte kjøttdeiga i, so satte ej den vekk litt og tok å trygte utover deiga i 2 illfasteforme, fordi 1 va for lita og når ej jor det me 1 trur ej botnen blei litt for tynne. Men anyhow, ej tok tomattingen og blanda den med kjøttdeiga, og hadde den over pizzane. Tok så å skar opp paprikka, lauk og tomat og hadde på. So masse oost til slutt.
So proppa ej dei inni omnen og satt mej til å lese bok. The kite runner-må lesast!
Når d ha gått vel 20min tok ej ut pizzaen som såg ikkje so alt for gale ut, men utsjånaden kan ver falsk. Gjekk bra heilt til ej hadde skøre den opp og sku til å ta den ut av forma, då berre datt den sammen. Ligna på pizzaen oss fekk på Kartoffel Haus i Berlin. Berre att min ikkje va so blaute og smakte litt bedre, men utsjånaden var tiltider slåandes lik. Men ho Pauline likte den vertfall, og ej trur han Tony me likte den litt. So det va ikkje heilt katastrofisk da! Sunst ej klarte mej ganske bra altialt, e no i et fremmed land, utn dei rette ingrediensane og he aldri laga pizza heilt åleine før! So ej ekje heilt på jorde når det gjelde matlaging, so du kan slappe av mamma.
No trur ej at ej ska legge mej snart, e heilt sjukt trøtte.
Go natt alle sammen uti store verda!
Skulen i dag va som skulen alle andre daga, ikkje so alt for spennandes, berre at musikk læraren vår ikkje trur oss klare oss gjennom A-level musikk fordi ingen av oss kan nokke. Kosligt
Når ej kom heim frå skulen, so tenkte ej skitau ej ska ta å lage pizza i dag.
So ej for på butikken og fann tinga ej skulle ha, kjøttdeig, og ost. Men pizzafyll finst her vist ikkje.
So ej tok sann tomatsaus lignande ting, og tenkte att d ikkje kunne ver so annleis.
So sprang ej heim og bjøndte på deiga, so gjekk ganske so bra. Trur det va den einaste vellykka delen.
So når dei ha vokst litt, bjøndte ej på fylle.
Fann mej ei liiita steikepanna so ej stekte kjøttdeiga i, so satte ej den vekk litt og tok å trygte utover deiga i 2 illfasteforme, fordi 1 va for lita og når ej jor det me 1 trur ej botnen blei litt for tynne. Men anyhow, ej tok tomattingen og blanda den med kjøttdeiga, og hadde den over pizzane. Tok så å skar opp paprikka, lauk og tomat og hadde på. So masse oost til slutt.
So proppa ej dei inni omnen og satt mej til å lese bok. The kite runner-må lesast!
Når d ha gått vel 20min tok ej ut pizzaen som såg ikkje so alt for gale ut, men utsjånaden kan ver falsk. Gjekk bra heilt til ej hadde skøre den opp og sku til å ta den ut av forma, då berre datt den sammen. Ligna på pizzaen oss fekk på Kartoffel Haus i Berlin. Berre att min ikkje va so blaute og smakte litt bedre, men utsjånaden var tiltider slåandes lik. Men ho Pauline likte den vertfall, og ej trur han Tony me likte den litt. So det va ikkje heilt katastrofisk da! Sunst ej klarte mej ganske bra altialt, e no i et fremmed land, utn dei rette ingrediensane og he aldri laga pizza heilt åleine før! So ej ekje heilt på jorde når det gjelde matlaging, so du kan slappe av mamma.
No trur ej at ej ska legge mej snart, e heilt sjukt trøtte.
Go natt alle sammen uti store verda!
lørdag 4. oktober 2008
I dag er det laurdaag! Og ej he hatt en ganske artige dag!
I går fann ej ut att ho eine venninda mi frå skulen berre bor sann 15min gåavstand frå der ej bor, so ho kom hit i dag tidlig og oss tok bussen til byen.
Der sku ho åpne en bankonto so oss gjekk til Lloyds TSB, men ho fekk ikkje opne en konto fordi ho ikkje hadde en helseting frå doktoren som sto addressa hinna på, logikken såg ikkje ej da men.
So gjekk os rundt å sulla inne på bullring og litt slikt, og ej kjøpte mej en Atreyu cd og so gjekk oss på Oasis, og sulla rundt der og ej fann mej ei jakke ej ville kjøpe, men ej kjøpte den ikkje, so fann ej mej en plakat og den kjøpte ej. So for oss på sann sportsbutikk og såg på utapåjakke, trur kanskje det e litte grande billigare her enn i Norge. Ej såg om ej fann Norrøna el devold ting der men det va dårlig me det altso. So gjekk oss å sulla litt til før ej bestemte mej for å kjøpe dinna jakka, som no henge på døra mi. Den e ganske najs!
Og so gjekk oss å såg på tattooveringa, og sann høl i ørene ting, sann so laga et synlig rundt høl i øra, ej he løst på sant lite på eine øra eller begge. Kan ej få det mamma? Yes you say, well thank you! NEidaa, ej berre tulla.
Anywayy, oss gjekk å skulle ta bussen heim, men so kom der en random buss forbi og satte oss på den og tok oss en svipp tur til Sutton Coldfield. Koslig liten by det.
Kjenne det att språke blir fort påvirka etter som kven eg er attme, sann so e ej att me ho Hope blir det til at ej sei mykje slang og dude og man. Og snakka ej me folke heime blir det meir skikklig english. Ganske artigt igrunn.
Når oss kom heim frå Sutton, tvinga ej Hope til å ver attme mej litt til, so oss for til meg og sulla der. Spelte gitar å dilla på datan.
So gjekk oss ner å såg Mrs. Doubtfire. golj film! Hope sa att ho måtte gå sann 5 gonga men ho røyste sej ikje før filmen va slutt.
So no sete ej her på senga mi, og he akkurat komt over ei abstinensbølge av heimlengsel. Ska ta å spele litt gitar og finne ut om ej ska nokke i morga. Og om ej kanskje he nokke lekse ej må jer. Hmm..
Håpe alle heime he det bra! So Long suckers
I går fann ej ut att ho eine venninda mi frå skulen berre bor sann 15min gåavstand frå der ej bor, so ho kom hit i dag tidlig og oss tok bussen til byen.
Der sku ho åpne en bankonto so oss gjekk til Lloyds TSB, men ho fekk ikkje opne en konto fordi ho ikkje hadde en helseting frå doktoren som sto addressa hinna på, logikken såg ikkje ej da men.
So gjekk os rundt å sulla inne på bullring og litt slikt, og ej kjøpte mej en Atreyu cd og so gjekk oss på Oasis, og sulla rundt der og ej fann mej ei jakke ej ville kjøpe, men ej kjøpte den ikkje, so fann ej mej en plakat og den kjøpte ej. So for oss på sann sportsbutikk og såg på utapåjakke, trur kanskje det e litte grande billigare her enn i Norge. Ej såg om ej fann Norrøna el devold ting der men det va dårlig me det altso. So gjekk oss å sulla litt til før ej bestemte mej for å kjøpe dinna jakka, som no henge på døra mi. Den e ganske najs!
Og so gjekk oss å såg på tattooveringa, og sann høl i ørene ting, sann so laga et synlig rundt høl i øra, ej he løst på sant lite på eine øra eller begge. Kan ej få det mamma? Yes you say, well thank you! NEidaa, ej berre tulla.
Anywayy, oss gjekk å skulle ta bussen heim, men so kom der en random buss forbi og satte oss på den og tok oss en svipp tur til Sutton Coldfield. Koslig liten by det.
Kjenne det att språke blir fort påvirka etter som kven eg er attme, sann so e ej att me ho Hope blir det til at ej sei mykje slang og dude og man. Og snakka ej me folke heime blir det meir skikklig english. Ganske artigt igrunn.
Når oss kom heim frå Sutton, tvinga ej Hope til å ver attme mej litt til, so oss for til meg og sulla der. Spelte gitar å dilla på datan.
So gjekk oss ner å såg Mrs. Doubtfire. golj film! Hope sa att ho måtte gå sann 5 gonga men ho røyste sej ikje før filmen va slutt.
So no sete ej her på senga mi, og he akkurat komt over ei abstinensbølge av heimlengsel. Ska ta å spele litt gitar og finne ut om ej ska nokke i morga. Og om ej kanskje he nokke lekse ej må jer. Hmm..
Håpe alle heime he det bra! So Long suckers
fredag 3. oktober 2008
Heime frå skulen i dag pga. magen! Sikker på der har komt med nokre bakteriar frå dykk der heime når eg fekk pakken. Inga anna mogelig forklaring.
Eg har berre sløv å sett tv i dag, noko som igrunn har vore heilt fantastisk.
Du har kanskje lagt merke til at språket har forandra seg, det er fordi mi kjære moders indre norsk lærar vist nokk vrei seg når ho las igjennom bloggen min så eg ska prøve å skrive skikklig, kan ikkje garantere at det blir rett sidan norsk grammatikk som vart vist på karakterane mine frå sist år er det svakaste faget mitt. Det er ikkje med vilje, men eg trur faktisk grammatikk er eit svakt punkt med meg, er meir realfags dame har eg funne ut. Sjøl om eg også ikkje er for keen på det heller, i alle fall så skal eg prøve! Kan ikkje love noke som helst!
Kanskje eg skal skrive på engelsk i staden..
Men uansett, er sjuk, har heim lengsel og gleder meg til neste veke for då skjer det ting! wio!
Og eg ynskjar meg ull-stillongs til bday gåve, alt eg kjem på for augonblinken!
Eg trur eg skal gå tilbake til å skrive dårli dialekt. og kanskje engelsk, Sorry mor!
Eg har berre sløv å sett tv i dag, noko som igrunn har vore heilt fantastisk.
Du har kanskje lagt merke til at språket har forandra seg, det er fordi mi kjære moders indre norsk lærar vist nokk vrei seg når ho las igjennom bloggen min så eg ska prøve å skrive skikklig, kan ikkje garantere at det blir rett sidan norsk grammatikk som vart vist på karakterane mine frå sist år er det svakaste faget mitt. Det er ikkje med vilje, men eg trur faktisk grammatikk er eit svakt punkt med meg, er meir realfags dame har eg funne ut. Sjøl om eg også ikkje er for keen på det heller, i alle fall så skal eg prøve! Kan ikkje love noke som helst!
Kanskje eg skal skrive på engelsk i staden..
Men uansett, er sjuk, har heim lengsel og gleder meg til neste veke for då skjer det ting! wio!
Og eg ynskjar meg ull-stillongs til bday gåve, alt eg kjem på for augonblinken!
Eg trur eg skal gå tilbake til å skrive dårli dialekt. og kanskje engelsk, Sorry mor!
torsdag 2. oktober 2008
Starta som en ganske bra dag, va kaldt og deili å gå ut og til skulen, kjenne virkelig att hausten bjønde å komme e dinna lufta so e deili å puste inn.
Og ej hadde en kjempe gøy musikk time, so egentli va en gitartime. Gitarlæraren min e sjukt flinke, so han ska lære mej Stairway to Heaven og kanskje Texas Flood og Hallelujah :D
So når ej va ferdi med gitartimen tok ej og ho Paige å kasta sekken hinna Hope og kasta den opp og ner mellom andre og første etasje. So når ho Hope kom å tok sekken kasta oss flaska hinna.
Fun times Dudee.
Når ej kom heim frå skulen so va der pakke so venta på mej me fotballsko, leggskinn, gåve til Tony, ei ulltrøye og 3 store plate me melkesjokolade! Ej åt ei halve me en gong og ej trukje magen min tølte d for ette ei stund so jor den et hendelses opprør, enten so tølte den det ikkje eller so va der me nokken bakteria frå dokke der heime. For magen min he heilt teite, sat på dassen en time! Og ej trur forsatt ikkje den e heilt bra og ej trur ej helde på å bli forkjøla me for halsen min e ei bitch! So dagen ente litt dårli, men ej trøsta mej sjøl me en film.
Håpe dokke heime e friske og Anne søste STÅ PÅ! Heia på dokke!
Og ej hadde en kjempe gøy musikk time, so egentli va en gitartime. Gitarlæraren min e sjukt flinke, so han ska lære mej Stairway to Heaven og kanskje Texas Flood og Hallelujah :D
So når ej va ferdi med gitartimen tok ej og ho Paige å kasta sekken hinna Hope og kasta den opp og ner mellom andre og første etasje. So når ho Hope kom å tok sekken kasta oss flaska hinna.
Fun times Dudee.
Når ej kom heim frå skulen so va der pakke so venta på mej me fotballsko, leggskinn, gåve til Tony, ei ulltrøye og 3 store plate me melkesjokolade! Ej åt ei halve me en gong og ej trukje magen min tølte d for ette ei stund so jor den et hendelses opprør, enten so tølte den det ikkje eller so va der me nokken bakteria frå dokke der heime. For magen min he heilt teite, sat på dassen en time! Og ej trur forsatt ikkje den e heilt bra og ej trur ej helde på å bli forkjøla me for halsen min e ei bitch! So dagen ente litt dårli, men ej trøsta mej sjøl me en film.
Håpe dokke heime e friske og Anne søste STÅ PÅ! Heia på dokke!
onsdag 1. oktober 2008
He nokken heise kjekke tv kanala her! 3 stk me berre amerikanske comedy seria!
Heile dagen, non stop! Og so e der forskjellige andre me andre kjekke seria.
So e her ein kjeme deili sofa, so ej slækka her avåte når ej kjeda mej.
The Catherine Tate show e frestn utruuligt artigt! Sete her å flira for mej sjøl.
Elles i dag so he ej kjøpt mykje unyttige ting, som berre plutselig skjer sann avåte når ej jenge ut.
2 dvd'a ; nokke me Sarah Marshall og so Mr. Deeds! DIgg på na Adam Sandler, so kjøpte ej en Pendulum cd, ville egentli ha Atreyu men kan vel ikkje forvente at Woolworths ska ha dei, eller nokke anna bra nokke anna en liste pop og samle cd'a. So kjøpte ej ein heil bunch me stickers so ej ska klistre på breva til dei heldige som fe det! Og vil du ha brev so må du skrive brev! Slik e det! Må sei ej e litt skuffa over å få svar me berre 5 folk når ej sendte brev for 4 veke sia til 15 folk! Og dei fire som he svart he rukke å sendt 2 gonga. Skam på dokke andre latsabba so ikkje he tatt dokke tia til å skrive et par linje til mej her borte i England, so savna gamle Norge og trenge nokre ord frå dokke. Shame ON YOU!
Neida, berre ej fe litt brev no og då e ej nøgde.
Gler mej til å ejte norsk sjokolade, som ej snart fe me ne mor! Gode mormi!
Men no ska ej søve! Go natt folks!
Heile dagen, non stop! Og so e der forskjellige andre me andre kjekke seria.
So e her ein kjeme deili sofa, so ej slækka her avåte når ej kjeda mej.
The Catherine Tate show e frestn utruuligt artigt! Sete her å flira for mej sjøl.
Elles i dag so he ej kjøpt mykje unyttige ting, som berre plutselig skjer sann avåte når ej jenge ut.
2 dvd'a ; nokke me Sarah Marshall og so Mr. Deeds! DIgg på na Adam Sandler, so kjøpte ej en Pendulum cd, ville egentli ha Atreyu men kan vel ikkje forvente at Woolworths ska ha dei, eller nokke anna bra nokke anna en liste pop og samle cd'a. So kjøpte ej ein heil bunch me stickers so ej ska klistre på breva til dei heldige som fe det! Og vil du ha brev so må du skrive brev! Slik e det! Må sei ej e litt skuffa over å få svar me berre 5 folk når ej sendte brev for 4 veke sia til 15 folk! Og dei fire som he svart he rukke å sendt 2 gonga. Skam på dokke andre latsabba so ikkje he tatt dokke tia til å skrive et par linje til mej her borte i England, so savna gamle Norge og trenge nokre ord frå dokke. Shame ON YOU!
Neida, berre ej fe litt brev no og då e ej nøgde.
Gler mej til å ejte norsk sjokolade, som ej snart fe me ne mor! Gode mormi!
Men no ska ej søve! Go natt folks!
Some Pictures
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